Friday, December 9, 2011

50 Things to do Before I'm 30 (Inspired by Kayleigh!)

(Okay, so Kayleigh did a list of 100 things to do before she's 30- but she's a year younger than me, AND I don't know how much of this I'll be able to accomplish while I'm on the mission field, so I wasn't quite as ambitious as she was!!  Let's see if I can get all these things done before April 21st, 2016!)

1. Do a triathalon
2. Memorize a book of the Bible (as least 4 chapters!)
3. Memorize Psalm 139 in Spanish
4. Earn either Wisconsin DPI Teacher Certification or my Master's Degree (if not both!) (May 15, 2015)
5. Be debt-free
6. Read 200 Books
7. Run a marathon
8. Learn how to knit and make something useful*
9. Read the entire Chronicles of Narnia series in Spanish (already read it in English, don't worry!)
10. Pray for every country in the world (July 21, 2014)
11. Donate blood
12. Compete in a national/international pageant or modeling competition (July 27, 2013- Miss International)
13. Finish my novel
14. Earn a $1,000.00 check from my Amway business
15. Go to Disney World
16. Fill an entire journal without tearing any pages out*
17. Meet my Spanish penpal (Check!)
18. Dress up as a lobster for Halloween (this has been a dream of mine since I was about 11) Halloween 2013!!
19. Write lyrics for ten songs and actually share them (not just keep them in my private journal!)
20. Sew a skirt
21. Learn how to play my guitar
22. Go back to Puebla (June 22, 2015- just drove through it,but it still counts!)
23. Go vegan for a month (Feb 10, 2014- Mar 10, 2014)
24. Follow through on my promise to Kayleigh to take her to the Rainforest Cafe
25. Learn American Sign Language
26. See "Michigan Katie" (Katie R.) face-to-face
27. Watch the Miss America pageant live in Vegas
28. See a live production of  "Phantom of the Opera"
29. See all of the Lord of the Rings movies
30. Move ALL of my stuff out of my parents' house
31. Sponsor a Compassion Child again (Dec 30th, 2013- Lidia from El Salvador!)
32. Take a vacation with my girlfriends (overnight, outside of Wausau!) (July 2014- Winnepeg with Camille and Jeesoo!)
33. Learn how to ski or snowboard
34. Take my cousin, Mandy, on a fun trip somewhere to thank her for all the times she's let me crash with her (and carted me around) to modeling gigs in Milwaukee!
35. See a live Packer or Badger game
36. Have $2,500.00 in savings
37. Go a year without drinking soda*
38. Support a missionary at $50.00 a month for 12 months*
39. Be able to have a conversation in French with a native speaker
40. Run a 5K in under 20 minutes
41. Write a children's book and begin the publishing process
42. Become licensed as a Wisconsin foster parent (hopefully I'll be ready for my first placement, but we'll make getting the license my first goal!)
43. Make a vlog channel (Started Jan 21, 2012)
44. See my old roomie, Katie T, face-to-face...regardless of which side of the border we have to do it on! (June 22, 2015)
45. Go to a concert with Heather K, and NOT get snowed out this time!
46. Have my hair cut/highlighted and my nails done by a professional (I take pride in my DIY skills, but this would represent having the financial stability to have a pro do it!)
47. Take a picture with Miss America (had the chance with Caressa Cameron and chickened out- was mad at myself afterwards.  I know for a fact that that crown will NOT go on a fan-snubber's head!)
48. Go on a two-day water-only fast (for prayer, not a crash diet!) (Check!)
49. Go to Central or South America
50. Be an actual teacher- have my OWN classroom and students! (May 24, 2012, started teaching at Northcentral Technical College)
*=In progress

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