(Okay, a lot of these things do happen, and they are really, really, really annoying...but overall, don't take this too seriously! I'm just getting it off my chest!)
10. "If I'm going to support you, you had better be working all the time, not just fooling around!"
No, it's not okay for someone to raise support for a "missions trip" and then go hang out in tourist spots for 6 days and spend one day evangelizing. But being a missionary is a career, just like being a pastor, teacher, nurse, etc. Missionaries need time off, they need to get out of their houses, they need to socialize and they need to recharge their batteries. And, sometimes, depending on what atmosphere or culture they are in, they CAN'T minister (ie if they work in a school and students are on vacation, or if they are serving in Spain and it's the siesta hour). If we aren't doing something unbiblical or spending ridiculous amounts of money, it shouldn't be an issue if we have a day or weekend off here or there. Hey, sometimes, we even need to *gasp* eat and sleep!
9. "You need to see this place, and this place, and this event, or all your time there is wasted."
On the other hand, we are not international students and we are NOT tourists! We are in our host areas to minister to the people there. I think the most annoying thing I here is when missionaries come home from warmer places and everyone asks why they are so pale. Well...shocker, they don't use your support money to go hang out on the beach all day!
8. "Did you hear about the national tragedy that just happened in the country you are going to?"
Well, maybe we did...or maybe we didn't notice it, since national tragedies happen every day all over the world! No country or region is 100% safe! No missions organization wants to kill off their missionaries; they will all take the time to prepare us to be safe in our host areas. And, if they don't feel like they can safetly send missionaries there, they probably won't. Of course, it should go without saying that the safest place to be is in the will of God!
It's the 21st century, people! In some countries, the government can intercede social networking and email (or even snailmail), no matter how high your privacy settings may be! And, if they read something about a missions work in a country where religion is oppressed, we could receive a one-way ticket back home...or much, much worse. Before contacting a missionary, make sure that there is no coded language that you are supposed to be using for their protection. Even if a missionary is in an area of religious freedom, keep in mind that the people they are ministering to may very well see the messages you send, and may end their relationship with us if they feel we are going to try to convert them or push religion on them.
6. "I'm an expert on the region you're going too..."
Unless you've spent time in the same region (and a vacation at a resort doesn't count!) you are NOT an expert, especially compared to those who have gone before us. Please, rather than bombarding us with unsolicited travel/culture advice, let us learn from our missions organization and other veterans that we might network with. Unsolicited and unreliable advice just adds to our stress as we have to sort through and process it just to see if there is a grain of truth in it!
5. "Why are you going there? This region needs you more, and this ministry is better than that one!"
You know...this one could actually have some credibility...if it's God who says it. Otherwise, we don't need someone else trying to play the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. If you have such a passion for another ministry or region, maybe you should apply there, rather than trying to steer other missionaries there!
4. "Hey, isn't your sister/daughter/friend going to be a missionary? Well, I want to support them but I need to know some gossip-er, I mean, INFORMATION- first!"
Okay, if you have questions or concerns, stop being a wuss/weasel and just ask us directly. Our friends and family should not have to carry the burden of knowing all about our plans, and you are implying that you don't trust us to give you honest, informed answers to your questions.
3. "Are you really qualified for this? You have student loans. You don't have a degree in ministry. You don't speak the language there, you don't you don't you don't...."
Yes, we know we aren't heros and that we can't do anything on our own. But we also know the cliche that "God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called." Please don't help Satan perpetuate the lie that we shouldn't be going on the mission field because we aren't qualified to do God's work. And, to answer the first three directly 1) Each individual missions group has their own policy on student loans or any other kind of debt, it is between the missionary and the org to work it out. 2) Not all- in fact, a lot of missions groups do not require a degree in ministry. In fact, in some regions/ministries, it is better to NOT have a degree in ministry to avoid raising suspicions from the government and the people you will serve. 3) You can't learn a language without being immersed in it. Most missionaries do not a have a strong grasp on a 2nd or 3rd language until they have been in their host countries for a while.
2. "What are you going to do if all your support doesn't come in?"
Mmm, I'm thinking I'll go be a bum and live off your tax payer dollars. Sound good?
Okay, can you at least pretend to have faith in God to provide for us? We are following what we believe to be God's calling on our lives right now, and even if we are mistaken, we are trusting Him to reveal His true plan for us when the time is right.
And finally, the MOST annoying and frequent one I've gotten so far:
1. "You are going to meet Mr. Right on the missions field! Yes you are!"
We go on the missions field to serve God and minister to others- NOT to find our future spouses! Would you write a check to commit a monthly gift to someone to support their eharmony subscription? No way! So why would we ask people to support our mission if our only mission is to find "the one?" The Church and our society send the constant message that singleness is a disease that we need to cure- even if the only cure is just settling for whoever will take us. This lie makes it hard to focus on anything but finding a husband or wife- and we do NOT need distractions as we go off to the missions field. Please, don't even joke around about this kind of thing with us; we need you to help us stay focused, not distract us.
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